I have really enjoyed my experience of the Site Young Apprentice Scheme. I have learnt many new skills during my time here, for example using a Mac computer and software such as audacity, Photoshop and Dreamweaver. I’ve no doubt these skills and the confidence they have given me, also in picking up a variety of new skills quickly. This experience has also given me a brilliant insight into the arts world, as I have met artists and visited galleries. On all of these occasions the people were so informative and willing to answer all your questions. There is so much for me to digest.
It was a really relaxed and creative working environment, which was easy to adapt to. Everybody was able to be independent in his or her work but it was very much a community and everybody helped each other out when it was needed.
I discovered how to use my time effectively and was surprised how quickly I picked up new skills and adapted to a working environment.
I think the most important thing I had to do was leading my own creative assignment as it enable me be an independently artist and set myself goals. I also had to learn to use my time productively and be organised.
If I was to repeat this experience again, the only thing that I would do differently is to try and get to know everybody better.
I think anyone coming to do a placement at the Site Gallery should come with an open mind and willing to learn, as you should try and get as much out of the experience as possible.
The one piece of advice that has stuck in my mind was from Andrew Hunt when I interviewed him. He said as long as you were determined and did not give up you can achieve anything that you want to in life.
I am a lot more open minded about Contemporary Art now, as I have learnt that even if I don’t understand the piece of work it may still have an effect of me which ultimately is what art is supposed to achieve.
I am proud of completing my Bronze Arts Award during my 2 weeks work experience.
Yes, I would love to hear about future opportunities at Site!
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