The morning started off with the well known awkward silence from a group of young people that had never met before. The few minutes (that felt more like 30) sat glancing around the room and was followed by what felt like an endless amount of sheets filled with information that we were all desperately trying to take in. After our information overload, to further our knowledge of each other, what better than pairing us off to interview each other in preparation for when we will be interviewing an artist. Vicky introduced us to thinking about good interview skills and the mp3 and mic kits we’d be using. This was a perfect opportunity to delve into the questions our curiosity had been waiting to know, whilst learning how to use new technology.
The afternoon was filled with an introduction into Contemporary Art, which was explained in a presentation by Lesley Guy from Bloc Studios. This presentation enlightened me to many new artists, which to be honest, I had never heard off before. I particularly liked the work from John Stezaker, as I loved the way my initial response made me feel. Stezaker collages two completely different images, which may have captured a moment in different eras and are a different subject matter. For example, by covering the face from a picture of person with a different image of maybe a landscape, he takes people out of their comfort zone, as they are unable to judge or try and relate to the person in the image causing a very apprehensive feeling and forcing you to use your imagination when looking at his work.
After this presentation we went back to our recorded interviews we did early and were shown how to edit the pauses and mistakes on audacity. Once getting over how different you sound on the audio to how you think you should do we produced a perfected interview.
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